Maris Stella is extremely proud to provide our range of holistic therapeutic and learning support services under the banner called THRIVE.
“THRIVE” as an acronym encapsulates the essence of our multi-disciplinary team and therapies. THRIVE embodies the ethos and vision of Maris Stella to provide an environment in which every pupil can achieve her full potential.
The core of THRIVE focuses on:
Working one-on-one with our girls to broaden their approach with learning and thinking differences. Building their academic skills and self-confidence
A comprehensive approach to teaching to address the emotional, social, ethical, and academic needs of our girls in an integrated learning environment.
Focusing on closing gaps by reteaching basic skills and focusing on core areas
Understanding that no two pupils are the same and deserve equal access to quality care.
Emphasis is placed on the emotional aspect of a conversation with our girls and their abilities, thereby imparting respect to them, their feelings, and their beliefs.
Incorporating elements of play and creative ways to assist our girls to enjoy learning in non-traditional settings. Inspire them academically and motivate to explore while also helping them to pursue their own areas of interest and strengths.
Meet the team
The THRIVE team consists of our school Psychologist, Remedial Therapists, Speech and Language therapists and Occupational Therapist.
The team, led by the school Psychologist and Remedial Therapists, works collaboratively with class teachers and parents in identifying pupils with therapy or support needs, facilitating referral for the appropriate and recommended interventions, and monitoring and tracking progress.

Psychological support and counselling:
Mrs Esi Hufft
School counsellor and Counselling Psychologist
Esi Hufft completed her Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology at the University of Pretoria and qualified as a psychologist. She has worked in a range of contexts, including Health Care centres and in institutions of Higher Education. Pupils are referred for short-term therapy with the school counsellor.
For more information, please contact [email protected]

Pre-School and Junior Primary Remedial Support:
Mrs Jessica Da Silva
Remedial therapist
Jessica Da Silva is our on-campus Pre-School and Junior Primary remedial specialist. She is employed full-time by Maris Stella and conducts weekly part-time remedial intervention with pupils that are referred for remedial lessons through our THRIVE Team. Lessons are usually bi-weekly for half an hour and may be provided individually, in pairs
or in small groups depending on the need. Mrs Da Silva works closely with class teachers and the school psychologist to ensure that careful academic tracking is taking place and that each pupil feels supported and able to succeed.
Jessica is a Maris Stella old girl, who has been teaching at Maris Stella for the past ten years. She studied with UNISA and has her honours degree in inclusive education.
For more information, please contact [email protected]

Senior Primary Remedial Support:
Mrs Jessica Kopke
Remedial Therapist
Jessica Kopke is our on-campus Senior Primary remedial specialist. She is employed full-time by Maris Stella and conducts weekly part-time remedial intervention with pupils that are referred for remedial lessons through our THRIVE Team. Lessons are usually bi-weekly for half an hour and may be provided individually, in pairs or in small groups depending on their need. The Senior Primary provides parallel maths classes which Jessica teaches. These lessons run parallel to the timetabled Maths lessons as the girls benefit from a more individualised approach and more practical examples.
Jessica is a Maris Stella old girl, who has been teaching at Maris Stella for the past five years. She completed her degree through UKZN, her post-graduate certificate in education through UNISA and has her post-graduate diploma in Remedial Education through the University of Johannesburg.
For more information, please contact [email protected]

Speech and Language Therapy and Audiology:
Heidi Allan
We are fortunate to have two speech and language therapists from Heidi Allan’s audiology and speech and language therapy practice based at Maris Stella on a part-time basis.
Referrals for assessment and therapy are made through our Centre to THRIVE and Speech and Language assessment and therapy services are provided in a private capacity. The therapists work as adjuncts to our THRIVE team to ensure multi-disciplinary communication and collaboration in meeting pupils learning needs.
For more information, please contact: [email protected]

Occupational Therapist:
Mrs Aneesa Moosa
Occupational Therapist
Mrs Aneesa Moosa has provided occupational therapy services at Maris Stella for sixteen years. She is neurodevelopmentally trained and has extensive experience in working with sensory processing difficulties. Her Masters Degree research focused on occupational therapy intervention for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. She works contextually, helping to set functional scholastic goals for classroom success. She values the therapeutic relationship in facilitating growth in skills as well as confidence and self-esteem in our pupils.
For more information, please contact: [email protected]