Why Maris Stella?

Maris Stella girls graduate with numerous advantages over their peers who choose a co-educational high school.

There are 10 proven benefits pupils receive from attending an all-girls school. Proven research and data from the National Coalition of Girls’ Schools, show us these advantages.

1 Encouraging Her Voice

Girls’ find their voice and are encouraged to speak freely without being criticised or interrupted

“Academic studies and countless anecdotes make it clear that being interrupted, talked over, shut down or penalized for speaking out is nearly a universal experience for women when they are outnumbered by men.”

— The New York Times, “The Universal Phenomenon of Men Interrupting Women.”

“Students who attended girls’ schools, compared to coeducated peers, are more likely to publicly communicate their opinion about a cause.”

— Dr. Tiffani Riggers-Piehl, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Fostering Academic and Social Engagement: An Investigation Into the Effects of All-girls Education in the Transition to University

2 Promotes Leadership Skills

Girls’ schools promote women empowerment and stronger leaders

“Programs at girls’ schools focus on the development of teamwork over other qualities of leadership, while the qualities of confidence, compassion, and resilience also ranked prominently.”

— South African Girls’ Schools Association

“93% of girls’ school graduates say they were offered greater leadership opportunities than coeducated peers and 80% have held leadership positions since graduating from high school.”

— Goodman Research Group, The Girls’ School Experience: A Survey of Young Alumnae of Single-sex Schools

3 Nurtures Self-confidence

Girls’ are more likely to participate in every aspect of the school environment

“The majority of girls’ school graduates report higher self-confidence than their coeducated peers”

— Dr. Linda Sax, UCLA, Women Graduates of Single-sex and Coeducational High Schools: Differences in Their Characteristics and the Transition to College

4 Committed to How Girls Learn

All girls learning environment capitalise on girls’ unique learning styles

“To be successful, students need more than just a feeling of support. That support must translate into actions geared toward student success. Nearly 96% of girls’ school students report receiving more frequent feedback on their assignments and other course work than girls at coeducational schools.”

— Dr. Richard A. Holmgren, Allegheny College, Steeped in Learning: The Student Experience at All-girls Schools

5 Stimulating Environment

Girls take the spotlight in all girls learning environment

“The robust learning environment encountered by students at girls’ schools…provides unequivocal support for the value of an all-girls educational environment

— Dr. Richard A. Holmgren, Allegheny College, Steeped in Learning: The Student Experience at All-girls Schools

6 Academic Achievement

All girls’ learning environments create a culture of achievement

“Girls in a girls’ only school are more likely to achieve academically. Rowe’s study shows that students from single sex schools far outperform those of comparative ability in co-ed schools.”

— South African Girls’ Schools Association

7 Excellent Mentoring

Pupils in all-girls learning environments are supported by a community and Maris Stella’s sisterhood initiative

“The overwhelming majority of girls’ school students agree to strongly agree that they feel supported at their schools: 95% feel supported by their teachers (compared to 84% of girls at coeducational public schools), 90% report feeling supported by other students (compared to 73%), and 83% feel supported by their school administrators (compared 63%).”

— Dr. Richard A. Holmgren, Allegheny College, Steeped in Learning: The Student Experience at All-girls Schools

8 Free From Stereotypes

In all girls learning environments there are no stereotypes about what girls like or where they excel.

“Female graduates from girls’ only schools’ rate themselves as more confident and successful in areas that have traditionally been the domain of male students – mathematics, computers and engineering.”

— South African Girls’ Schools Association

9 Higher Aspirations and Goals

Pupils in all girls learning environments strive for greatness

“Students at girls’ schools have higher aspirations and greater motivation than their female peers at coeducational schools. 99% of students at girls’ schools expect to earn a four-year degree. More than 2/3 expect to earn a graduate or professional degree.”

— Dr. Richard A. Holmgren, Allegheny College, Steeped in Learning: The Student Experience at All-girls Schools

10 Prepares Girls for the Real World

All girls learning environments engage pupils in activities that prepare them for life beyond the classroom.

“Nearly half of all women graduating from single-sex schools rate their public speaking ability as high compared to only 39% of women graduates from coeducational schools. A similar differential exists for writing abilities: 64% of girls’ school graduates assess their writing as high (compared to 59%).”

— Dr. Linda Sax, UCLA, Women Graduates of Single-sex and Coeducational High Schools: Differences in Their Characteristics and the Transition to College