It is the season of open days, open evenings and application season for the next school year. So obviously, all schools will put their best foot forward. But that is not what this blog posts is about. Instead we will tell you who we are in the most honest way.
A family. That is what we are. We take care of our own, from the staff to the little girls in the pre-school. Every year we celebrate the importance of family by hosting family movie nights, the annual MS Market (with activities for every family member) and of course the multiple family braai’s that encourage mingling between parents and children alike.
We understand that it’s important to prepare for the future but we believe in tradition, even the traditions that are decades old. Such as celebrating mass as a school family, celebrating the schools birthday, the Marie Biscuit Tea Shop (which opens every year on the week of the school’s birthday) and of course the general favorite, Carol service.
The greatest lesson that each student is taught is female empowerment . Our girls learn how to be the inspired leaders of tomorrow and leave the school with their own great vision, which will become a reality one day… a reality that will make an impact on the whole world. Each girl experiences the great feeling of being part of a sisterhood.
Lastly, we take pride in who we are as a school and as individuals. From the way that we wear our uniform, to how we perform in all aspects of school life, we even take pride in the words that we shout in our war cries.
So to answer that question, we are Stella, Maris Stella.
Yours proudly,
Andiswa, Clio and Arham but we like to call ourselves, The Stella Sister’s Society.